Polymath Fellowship

The world’s first human accelerator

“The combination of courses, the inclusion of expert mentors, and the focus on real-world problem solving make this an innovative fellowship for those that want to make a real impact. I haven’t seen anything like it in my 30+ years in education.”

– Dr. David Staley, Professor & Author

The Polymath Fellowship is the world’s first human accelerator.

We are more interconnected and technologically enabled than ever before. And with that interconnectedness, the challenges we work on are growing increasingly complex. Understanding that complexity, and creating solutions to human-scale challenges, requires investment in human-level skills more than ever before. The next decade of innovation will be driven by leaders and change-makers who have mastered the ability to connect the dots, to operate across traditional silos, and to lead diverse teams. The rigorous Polymath Fellowship – a mini-master’s certificate program – has been designed to develop these skills in talented, early career professionals.





Built around each fellow’s chosen wicked problem, the complex challenge they want to focus on throughout their fellowship, the curriculum develops skills that can be universally applied. Each Polymath Fellow will be matched with three expert mentors related to their wicked problem, and who will help each fellow uniquely apply the six-course curriculum. Fellows will also learn and work to deliver their Impact Project within a community of fellows all seeking to develop skills to solve the world’s most challenging problems.

8 week course

24 total hrs of instruction

Systems Thinking

This course builds each fellow’s understanding of systems models and dynamics as they analyze their chosen wicked problem, the various elements that contribute to both the creation of the problem and its intractability. Sequenced as one of the first courses of the fellowship, this course will help the fellow appropriately scope their culminating Impact Project on the part of the system most likely to result in positive outcomes.

Learning outcomes:

  • Comprehend key principles of systems thinking

  • Identify and model systems

  • Analyze systemic interactions and behaviors

  • Evaluate system performance and sustainability

  • Apply systems thinking to real-world problems

  • Develop strategic interventions

  • Communicate systems thinking insights

8 week course

24 total hrs of instruction

Accelerating Impact with Technology

Technology is an enabler for outcomes across all sectors, if you know how to use it. This course builds fluency with the language, infrastructure, and application of artificial intelligence and data. Not only will fellows understand how to leverage artificial intelligence to be more effective, but they will be able to capture new opportunities and communicate a narrative with data analysis based on sounds data principles.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understanding the fundamentals of artificial intelligence

  • Apply statistical methods to data analysis

  • Manipulate and manage data

  • Comprehend basic technology infrastructure

  • Implement AI algorithms

  • Create effective data visualizations

  • Analyze the ethical implications of AI and data use

8 week course

24 total hrs of instruction

Leadership through Inquiry

Gone are the days when leaders are expected to have every answer. 21st century leadership is about empowering others and drawing out the unique skills of your teammates with curiosity and humility. This course teaches fellows to leverage targeted questions and drive individual and organizational outcomes by understanding teammates and identifying productive vs. unproductive conversation and debate.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the principles of effective collaboration

  • Develop effective inquiry skills

  • Demonstrate active listening and communication

  • Cultivate leadership in collaborative settings

  • Apply problem-solving techniques in teams

  • Enhance interpersonal skills for teamwork

  • Evaluate and reflect on collaborative processes

8 week course

24 total hrs of instruction

Knowledge Translation

There is a wide gap between learning a concept and applying a concept, and this course will bridge that gap. Borrowing from methodologies that are taught and well understood in healthcare, understanding knowledge translation will help fellows drive action based on learnings in any field. This skill is increasingly important as the speed of innovation continues to accelerate across industries, and will future-proof fellows in their careers.

Learning outcomes:

  • Define the practice and science of knowledge translation and its components

  • Explain his/her role as a leader or facilitator of knowledge translation

  • Describe the Knowledge-to-Action Framework

  • Provide an example of a knowledge translation project

8 week course

24 total hrs of instruction

Human-Centered Design

Process is where good ideas go to die, unless leaders understand how to design for actual, not ideal or imagined, human behavior. Human-centered design has taken root over the last decade in technology and innovation oriented organizations. This course will empower Polymath Fellows with the skills to apply this methodology in their own setting and in support of their impact project.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the principles of design thinking

  • Apply empathy to understand user needs

  • Formulate clear problem statements

  • Generate creative ideas and solutions

  • Develop prototypes for iterative testing

  • Conduct user testing and gather feedback

  • Collaborate effectively in multidisciplinary teams

8 week course

24 total hrs of instruction

Introduction to Polymathy

Being a polymath isn’t a commonly discussed concept in the United States, but academic research over the last 15 years have identified the core traits of polymaths – breadth, depth, and integration – as having outsized impact on their capacity for creativity and complex problem solving. Developing a polymathic orientation is a lifelong pursuit, and this course helps fellows understand and begin executing their own path to polymathy.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand, nurture, and apply curiosity and passion

  • Develop a day-to-decade personal rhythm to developing breadth, depth, and integration

  • Develop ontological thinking

  • Understand interdisciplinary integration

  • Identify cross-disciplinary connections

  • Personal data management systems & organization

Capstone Project throughout 40 week fellowship

Impact Project

Each Polymath Fellow will be required to design, scope, and deliver a unique impact project related to their wicked problem. For policy professionals, it may be a policy memo and advocacy plan. For entrepreneurs, it may be a business plan and pitch. For business leaders, it may be a significant project or research plan within their organization. Appropriately leveraging your three mentors will be critical in moving this forward. This is less about being a summative assessment for Polymath University and more about producing something of value to your learning and your career progression.

Polymath Fellowship Mentors, 2025-2026

Be the first to know as we build an innovative new university that graduates leaders with range.